Ringworm Health Topic
Learn More About Ringworm
How to Get Rid of Ringworm
Ringworm is more closely related to athlete's foot and jock itch, because it's a type of fungal infection called "Tinea". Common symptoms of ringworm include: a circular rash inflamed around the edges, itchiness, and scaling skin around the rash. Natural remedies for ringworm include tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar.
Ringworm on Holisticat
Discusses silver, neem oil, tumeric powder and more.
Neem Leaf Powder and Ringworm
The fungi that cause ringworm can live in hair and on the top layer of the skin, and thrive in heat and moisture. Ringworm appears as a red, itchy rash, sometimes in the shape of a ring. Ringworm is contagious, and can be spread through skin to skin contact or by touching an object that has been in contact with an infected area. The neem tree is native to South Asia. The leaves of the neem tree have antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Alternative Remedies for Ringworm
Discusses several home remedies.
Uses of Aloe Products, e.g. Acemannan, in the Treatment of Diseases Requiring Intervention of the Immune System for Cure
Acemannan has been shown to be effective in treating a number of conditions where the principal mechanism of resolution or cure requires intervention by the patient's immune system. Acemannan has direct stimulatory effects on the immune system. In addition, acemannan directly interacts with virus or other infectious organisms, infected cells, and tumor cells to produce changes in their immunologically sensitive surface composition to alter the appearance of these agents and cause them to be recognized by the body's immune system and then destroyed. This document contains 51 examples on research and studies on acemannan for wide range of diseases including athlete's foot (50).
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