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Silica Health Topic
    Silica Health Topic
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    Silica Health Topic

    Silicon (silica) is an essential trace element in the human body derived predominantly from the diet. Silica is an oxide form of the element silicon. Silicon is important for the proper growth and development of bone and connective tissues and is found in highest concentrations in cartilage, blood vessels, tendons, dental enamel, bone, hair and skin. Silicon is also important for stimulating the formation of collagen. In animal studies, silicon-deficient diets resulted in retarded growth, poor bone development, and more atherosclerotic arterial plaques. Low dietary silica levels are also tied to increase aluminum levels in body tissues.

    The horsetail plant (Equisetum arvense) contains the highest concentration of silicon found in the plant world. Horsetail has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years as a wound and bone healer, coagulant, diuretic, astringent, and for kidney and bladder ailments.

    Dietary Sources of Silica (Silicon):
    Beer, beets, bell pepers, brown rice, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, root vegetables, alfalfa, and the horsetail plant.

    Note: encourages personal research and a balanced view of health and nutrition topics. The links below provide a broad overview of various research findings and hypothesis on the role of nutrition in health. This information is not intended to promote any particular product. Unless noted, the articles below do not include any scientific references.

    Learn More About Silica

    1. Horsetail from the Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine

      The medicinal use of horsetail dates back to ancient Roman and Greek times. The Greeks used horsetail as a wound healer, a diuretic, and an agent to stop bleeding. The North American native peoples used horsetail to treat a number of kidney and bladder ailments. The German Commission E has approved horsetail as an effective treatment for kidney and bladder inflammations, edema, urinary tract infections, and bacterial infections. Horsetail is rich in silica. Silica helps to promote the body's absorption of calcium, an important component in tissue repair and bone and cartilage formation. It a good source for strengthening weak connective tissues, and healing bones, fractures, and torn ligaments. Horsetail is also used to treat arthritis and osteoporosis, as the silicon in horsetail may replace lost silicon in the affected bones. Horsetail may be a possible remedy for senility. Senility often occurs when there is more aluminum in the blood than silica. One theory suggests that when the silicon and aluminum levels are balanced, the symptoms of senility will disappear.


    2. Silicon Deprivation Decreases Collagen Formation in Wounds and Bone

      Silicon deprivation decreases the collagen concentration in bone of 9-wk-old rats. The results of this study suggest that silica is a nutrient of concern in wound healing as well as bone formation.


    3. Silicon Cellular Nutrition

      Germanium and Silicon share left / right-sided cell receptors and are considered essential to human health. Silicon is found in highest concentrations in connective tissues such as collagen, cartilage, the trachea, blood vessels, eyes, tendons, dental enamel, bone, hair and skin - specifically the epidermis. In animal studies, silicon-deficient diets resulted in retarded growth, poor bone development, and more atherosclerotic arterial plaques. Silicon has a similar healing potential on cartilage and joint degeneration as sulfur, so both can be helpful for various types of arthritis. Atherosclerosis is reversible to some extent with oral or intravenous doses of silicon. Silica promotes the union of bone after a fracture.

    4. Short-Term Administration of Water-Soluble Silicon Improves Mineral Density of the Femur and Tibia

      Silicon is important for the proper growth and development of bone and connective tissues. Short-term soluble silicon supplementation improved bone mineral density in ovariectomized-induced osteoporosis.


    5. Medicinal Uses of Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense)

      Actions of Horsetail plant (Equisetum arvense): weak diuretic, genito-urinary astringent, antihaemorrhagic, haemostatic, prophylactic causing a mild leucocytosis, restorative to damaged pulmonary tissue, possible detoxifier. Equisetum is an excellent genito-urinary system astringent. It may be applied to such conditions as urethritis or cystitis with haematuria, reducing haemorrhage and healing wounds thanks to the high silica content. It is considered a specific remedy in cases of inflammation or benign enlargement of the prostate gland. Equisetum is restorative to damaged pulmonary tissue after pulmonary tuberculosis and other lung disease, as the silicic acid is said to stabilise the scar tissue. The effect of strengthening and regenerating connective tissues has been ascribed to the silicic acid content.


    6. SILICON: Vital Trace Mineral

      Doctors hypothesize that silica acts as a regulating factor for the deposit of bone. In one study, silica supplementation significantly reduced the rate of bone loss. Collagen synthesis is adversely affected by a silica deficiency. In a study In France, silica supplementation has prevented the formation of plaque in the arteries of rabbits. An animal study showed that decreased amounts of silica in the diet led to increased amounts of aluminum in body tissues.

    7. Medicinal Usage of Horsetail

      The horsetail plant is an astringent, coagulant, diuretic, and more. It has been used for gout, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, dental caries, strengthening nails, healing bones, inhibiting tumors, and staunching blood. It is used internally, externally, in steam baths and in poultices.

    8. Horsetail: What Is It?

      As a rich and natural source of easy-to-absorb silica, horsetail is likely to be effective in strengthening nails, hair, and teeth. The body requires silica to keep such connective tissue, as well as joint cartilage, healthy and strong. The most notable use for horsetail is as a mild diuretic to increase urination and lessen swelling, and as a remedy for various bladder and kidney problems.

    9. Horsetail Plant Database

      Modern research has validated long-standing folk medicine practices of using horsetail to mend connective tissue and bone. Ethnobotony worldwide uses for the Horsetail plant include wounds, diuretic, kidneys, gout, tuberculosis, diarrhea, diabetes, cancer, antiseptic and astringent.


    10. Silica Uses (pdf File)

      Silica is an essential nutrient. Collagen, largely made up of silica, is the glue that holds us together. Silica is a major component of hair. By hardening the enamel, silica prevents cavities and preserves teeth. The restorative effects of silica will be most noticeable on your hair, skin, nails and teeth. It is a natural diuretic which can increase excretion of urine by 30 percent.


    11. Traditional Uses of Horsetail

      The silicon content of the horsetail is the highest in the entire plant empire, and no other herb comes even near to the silica levels found in the plant. Traditionally used to stop bleeding in wounds, the horsetail herb is said to be an excellent clotting inducer. The herbal horsetail remedies have been used to staunch all kinds of wounds. he urinogential system of the human body is also positively affected by the astringent effect of the horsetail herb.

    12. Hint of a Biological Role for Silicon

      Toxicologic and chemical evidence suggests that silicon – present in body tissues as silicic acid – binds to aluminum, reducing that metal's toxic potential.

    13. Silicon An Essential Nutrient of Good Bone Health

      Recent research confirms that silicon stimulates the formation of collagen, a protein that gives bones their strength and flexibility, joint cartilage its cushioning ability, and a scaffold upon which bone mineralization occurs.

    14. Aluminum and Silicon

      Researchers report that animals receiving supplementary silicon had significantly lower blood aluminium levels, and higher faecal excretion of aluminium.

    15. Silicon and Bone Health

      Silicon is a major (naturally occurring) trace element in the human body derived predominantly from the diet. Accumulating evidence over the last 30 years strongly suggest that dietary silicon is beneficial to bone and connective tissue health and we recently reported strong positive associations between dietary silicon intake and bone mineral density.


    16. Horsetail (Equisetum) Benefits for Bones

      Because of its content of silica, this plant is recommended when it is necessary for the body to repair bony tissues. Silica helps to fix calcium, so that the body can store more quantity of this mineral and then use it to repair bones, collagen and other body tissues. Horsetail can therefore be useful for osteoporosis.

    Tags: silica, silicon and diuretic, silica and bladder, silica and kidney, silicon and ostoeoporosis, silica and calcium, silicon and collagen, silica and acne, silicon and aluminum, silica and silicon, silica mineral, silica supplement, silica nutritional supplement, silica dietary supplement, silica mineral supplement

    Silica has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA for the any of the following topics indicated in the links above: acne, arthritis, broken bones, bladder infection, calcium absorption, diuretic, edema, incontinence, osteoporosis, senility, stop bleeding, wound healing

    Statements on this website have NOT been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; research is ongoing. All third-party health topic links provided on this website are for information purposes only. Always consult your doctor or nutritionist about any health or nutrition-related questions you might have.